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Week 4


  • Responsiveness: The project now features a responsive design, meaning it adapts and displays appropriately across different devices and screen sizes. Users can access the platform on various devices like desktops, tablets, and smartphones without compromising the user experience.

  • Filtering Algorithm: Implemented the filtering algorithm, which likely allows users to sort and search for specific educational content, courses, or resources. This enhancement improves the overall user experience by making it easier to find relevant material efficiently.

  • Result Card Layout: A result card layout has been introduced, most likely for displaying search results or course listings. This layout likely presents information in a visually appealing and concise manner, making it easier for users to scan and select desired items.

  • Proper Rendering of Images, Content, and Tags: The project now ensures that images, content, and tags are rendered correctly on the platform. This means that visual elements, textual content, and metadata associated with educational resources are displayed accurately and in a user-friendly manner.

Looking Ahead

  • Filtering Package for Angular : We planning to implement the filtering package for Angular language and made compatible for the sunbird Ed project.
  • Card Fields Management : We are planning to implement the card fields management that user can select which he/she want to show or not.

Screenshots / Videos




Layout and Result Card

  • Version 1

Filtering on the basis of the BMGS values as Sunbird ED is setup.


  • Version 2

Filtering on the different fields other than the sunbird ED.



Pull Requests

NPM Package

Mid Point Showcase Presentation


Midpoint Showcase Learning

  • Firstly, I get to know how to add support for Angular, as this would enhance the project's compatibility and appeal to a broader audience.
  • Secondly, Considering the wider perspective of the project's use, possibly exploring additional use cases or target markets to maximize its potential impact.
  • Lastly, How to ensure that the widget is compatible with Sunbird, as this would facilitate seamless integration and extend its functionality.

Project Learning

  • Parcel for Testing: Learning to use Parcel for testing packages, simplifying bundling and creating isolated test environments.

  • Optimal Filtering Algorithm in TypeScript: Mastering TypeScript to write efficient filtering algorithms, considering time and space complexity.

  • Content Creation in Sunbird Ed: Understanding how to create engaging educational material for Sunbird Ed platform, How organization , framework and channel works.